Wednesday, July 2, 2008

John Ball Zoo

Grandma and Grandpa T spent last weekend with Kylah, and on Sunday we all went to the zoo together! It was a perfect day for it, and although I was bummed the camera battery died before the trip ended, I still was able to take quite a few cute pictures of her first zoo experience.

Entering the zoo...

Kylah with Grandma & Grandpa:
Grandpa pointing out the Parrot to Kylah:
Too cute :)

Kylah's favorite part of the whole day - the fish!
Family photo time!
Petting the sheep:

Dad pointing out the Bald Eagle: Taking a break to walk:
Mom, Kylah and Grandma watching the Wallabies: Mom's favorite part - the Monkeys!

Kylah had so much fun watching the penguins and fish swim around in the aquarium. I guess we'll be taking a trip to Sea World in a couple of years!


Michelle L said...

Fish are my favorite part of the zoo, too. Kylah has great taste!

- Marty

Wibbelers said...

So cute! Great family pic too! I'll go with you next time, it's been ages since i've been at the zoo!