Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mr. Mom

Since Friday, I've been playing Mr. Mom and trying to get as much as I can on camera as well as on video. However, lately Kylah has figured out that when the camera comes out, look cute and stop talking ;)

I've gotten to spend a lot of time with Kylah over the past 5 days and I have to say this is the most fun I've had with her ever. She has such a personality, she's moving (she'll follow me from room-to-room crawling now), climbing all over things (including me when I'm on the ground with her), and she LOVES the remote controls.

I've put some pictures and video I've been able to capture up - hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed my time working at home and being Mr. Mom.


Wibbelers said...

Nice work Mr Mom! Michelle will be proud! I'll send you a cute picture of the two of you from Saturday night when i get home tonight.

Amy said...

She looks happy Craig and that's what matters most. We're looking forward to seein all of you Tuesday!